Welcome to openhunting.io!
Hey there, I'm Rizqy Rionaldy, the one who kickstarted openhunting.io. I've been diving into the cybersecurity scene for more than 5 years, mainly honing my skills in threat hunting. And along the way, I've figured out that we really need to shake things up and dig deeper into crafting some seriously effective threat-hunting techniques.
In my role as a threat hunter, I frequently run into the challenge of restricted information sharing, owing to the sensitive nature of my corporate affiliations. In an effort to bridge this gap and extend my knowledge to the wider community, I've put together this website as a hub for distributing and cataloging shareable information. What you'll find here are insights, threat reports, and handy threat-hunting tools. My deep-rooted commitment to open-source principles compels me to make all the information I share easily accessible and entirely transparent.
This website serves as a medium for knowledge exchange and collaboration in the cybersecurity community. I believe that by sharing our experiences and insights, we can collectively strengthen our defenses against emerging threats
I'd like to thanks to the following individuals whose invaluable contributions have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition:
- M. Daffi Alhafizh (Threat Analyst & Security Analyst), Moh. Fathul Ikhsan (Fullstack Developer & Cyber Security Engineer), and Anggi Pradana (Red Team Spesialist): My Partner Discussion
- Cyber Security Team (Vinardo, Wahyu Pratama, and Fahmi Andriansyah): Thank you for your support to my cyber security research in Industrial Sector
- Digit Oktavianto ( Blueteam.id) : My Mentor in Cyber Security
Thank you for visiting openhunting.io, and I look forward to our collective journey in the world of cybersecurity.